Monday, February 05, 2007


So, nothing really of extreme interest today except for the simple fact that Dave left last night. I had a good cry, I'll be honest and I had a hard time not crying at some points throughout the day, I'm not even going to lie. It was harder then I ever thought it would be and I think it's going to be even harder now that after 9 months we saw each other all the time for like four days, and now we won't possibly get to see each other for another two and a half months. Actually possibly sooner because I am going to look into flying up there for reading break, except taking a couple of days extra off so that I can be up there for a week, because that would be absolutely amazing and make me incredibly happy. :P That's what I'm looking up right now on the internet. I have some dates in my head and I'm trying to figure out if they are going to work or not. We will see.
At any rate, I have to go. I just realised I forgot to do something, and I have to get on that right away, I think. After I figure out these date things. Hopefully I have time.

I already miss him so much. Why does love have to be such a hard thing?
Anyway, later.


At 1:44 p.m. , Blogger doxasky said...

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At 1:49 p.m. , Blogger doxasky said...

(Sorry about deleting my last comment...I had to edit it).

Any luck booking a flight for Reading Break?

Saying goodbye to those we love is one of the hardest things in the world. So hard that we find ourselves asking, "Is it really better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?" But we know that it is true, and we wait anxiously to be able to see our loved ones again.

Glad you got to see Dave. I hope things work out well for Reading Break.


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