Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Hi guys.
So I'm back at school for my second year.
It's amazing to be back, I'm enjoying it immensely.
I have a bigger room this year because I'm in dorm five.... but I don't have a bulletin board, which makes me slightly sad. On the bright side I have two cool RA's: Kathy and Kathleen and Fumi is right next door to me. I have to walk all the way up the stairs of dorm five though and that can be a pain.
At any rate, I think I learned very much from my summer and I'm really glad I'm back here so that God can teach me more, through classroom settings and through people that he has surrounded me with. Mini semester was fun and I learnt a lot. Ecology, theology and Earthkeeping. I learnt a lot about the troubles of the world and where some people are trying to to cure those troubles.
Tim Hortons is a good 45 minutes away. That makes me slightly sad.
My sister was home for my dad's birthday and I missed that too.
I miss a lot of things, and even though I am going through some hard things already since I have been in Eston, I know like always that God is faithful, and will help me through everything.
My life during the summer was eating and sleeping pretty much, except for the odd time I was on the internet. It was a long summer, but it was good.
It's nice to come back to people who love you and whom you love. It's nice feeling a part of a family or a community. I did not find this kind of community at home and so I am grateful that God has put me in this place, if even for a short time.

I hope everyone has a good year
God bless



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