Friday, December 01, 2006


Do you ever have that feeling that you never have time for yourself? I've been doing so much homework and just so much other things that lately I haven't been able to have a lot of time for myself. Time for myself and with God is something I cherish a lot, and it's also something I also take for granted, until I have a time where you just don't have that time. It makes me kind of sad.
At any rate, I won't have time at all completely for myself this weekend because I'm going on choir tour and I'm going to be around a whole bunch of people. It's not that I don't love the people, it's more of the fact that I just need time for myself. To take a breather and just rest and relax. It something I really haven't done for a couple of weeks and I just seem like I keep going and going and going. Kind of like the energizer bunny. LOL.
I have choir practice in just over half an hour and there are a couple of things I need to accomplish before then so I should probably go.
Everyone have a nice weekend.


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