Thursday, March 08, 2007

Been a while

It's been about a month since I last updated this thing, and actually a lot has gone on in that while that I have neglected to mention here, but now I will I suppose. The day after Dave left I found out that my WAT trip was cancelled, and I was little upset about that, but what can you do? And then the day after that I found out that my parents were seperating.... again. The first time they seperated they had seperated for seven years and they've been back together for about 2 and a half and now they are seperated again, which is not very nice and just kind of sucks, I won't lie. I feel sorry for my little sister simply because she has to live through this a second time, and noen of the rest of us live at home anymore, so even though it impacts us, it doesn't nearly as much as it impacts my sister who is still living at home.
I won't lie though, even though I was incredibly upset about that, nothing I have ever experienced in my life has ever compared to what I have been going through the past couple of weeks. Two weeks from today which was the 22nd of February, me and Dave broke up which again I will not lie is one of the hardest things, actually is the hardest thing I Have ever gone through, especially with the fact that I love him so much, and still do. I've never doubted that Dave loves me either, I know he does it's just so much more complicating then that and I would explain it on here, but there are few people I trust with the information on on our breakup simply because I believe some of the things would put Dave almost in a bad light and that's the last thing I want, I dont' want people to think that he is this horrible person when I know for a fact that he is not. And I'm okay with not telling most people. I jsut wanted to say that I still really miss but I came to the conclusion after our breakup that I had been relying on him way to much and not really on God at all. God got my attention in the past couple of weeks and was just simply like, You need me. Rely on me. God really did get my attention and so I think that this breakup even though we hated it, was the best for the both of us, and is at least for this time. There may be a time where in the future we do get back together, but who knows and besides that is not what we are focusing on at all, or shouldn't be. We are focusing on what God wants to teach us through this and ways to make us stronger through the struggles we are going through if that makes any sense. I hope so.
Anyway, I have to go and work on my paper that is due tomorrow that I haven't even started yet. Only four pages and it's on sin so it shouldn't be too bad but I just want to get it out of the way, and we have a quiz and a journal due in the same class tomorrow. Theology II, it's tons of fun.
Anyway, talkt o you all later.
Bye bye.


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