Here are some more pictures. These are of my family and cats and stuff.

This is my brother Daniel when we were partly climbing up a mountain when we were in BC this past summer. It was cool because he was almost standing directly under the waterfall.

This is my grandparents on my uncle Steve's quad. They didn't want to ride it at first but they did eventually. They thought they were just going to pose for a picture on it, and that's my dad standing behind them.

This is me and my sisters. Well two of them anyway. Amanda is the one on top of the turtle, I'm the one to the left and my little sister Joelene is the one to the right. This is the Canada's biggest turtle, named Ernie.

This little fellow is my nephew AJ. When we visited BC, my brother set him down on the car and we took a picture. It was funny because my brother was like "Grandma is going to be mad at you now AJ, for standing on her car and tearing up her map." This was said jokingly of course.

These little cuties are Tigerlily, Chocolate and Splotch. My cat had kittens and these are them, we kept Tigerlily(I think that is a really dumb name for a cat, but my sister insisted) and gave away the other two.
My grad!

This is me walking down the stairs at my grad banquet.
This is the complete grad class at my school. There were 28 of us, though not all came to the banquet. Our school was small, 350 students from Kindergarten to grade 12.
This is me standing outside of my house on my grad night. This is my favorite picture of me in my grad dress, however those flowers I'm holding were not for me, but my mom made me hold them for this picture.
This is me and my best friend Justin who was my escort at my grad.
That's it. I just wanted to post some grad pictures, since not many people have actually seen me in my grad dress.