Monday, March 06, 2006


Okay, so Senior High just ended yesterday and it was fun.... but it's kinda nice to have my own space back again. I think the worst part was for me Saturday. Megan was sure she was going to come and see me on Saturday, but then the weather got gross and the roads were icy so Megan's parents decided not to take her and I practically cried all afternoon if you want me to be completely honest.
Um... the girls in my room were pretty good. They were from Strathmore, Alberta and their youth pastor was staying in that room as well, which would probably account for them being so quiet while I was sleeping. The first night is the only night i really talked to them. I wanted to talk to them more but the second night I went to sleep so early because I was absolutely exausted and the next night I went to sleep early because I felt like I was going to throw up so I took some ibeprofun and went to bed.
Other then that my weekend was uneventful. I watched them play at the rink - I didn't get myserlf involved in it at all. Um... registration was cool, and I saw plenty of people I had gone to school with, including Jewel which was really cool because Jewel is really cool. I love that girl. Dave Copeland's birthday went and I forgot to give him his card - I didn't forget his birthday, I just forgot I had a card to give him in my room. Jenn's birthday is on Wednesday and Dave Layoun's is on the 16th which is during reading break. I won't be here for it, but I will send him a nice email card. I hope he has a good birthday.
Anyway, I have tons of homework and I have to track down my binder, as I can't find it anywhere.... because I have lots of homework in there that I have to do.... I have to say goodbye to my best friend on msn first which might be hard.... but stilll.
I gotta go, promise to update soon.
Bye bye.