Thursday, October 05, 2006

Nothing, slightly bored

Hi guys out there in nowhere land, how are you all today?
I'm slightly bored, and I have nothing to do. So here I am, sitting here blogging yet again. Somedays I wonder about my own sanity. I have been having a good day so far, I think anyway. My life is kind of sad right now as I am not able to go home this weekend for thanksgiving. I wish I could. I'm kind of glad I'm staying here though, we get to watch movies and play video games and watch tv at Dave and Leanne's all weekend, so that should be good.
I'm sitting here doign nothing, talking to Dave L. That's the only reason I think I am really still on the internet. It's simply because I haven't talked to him since Sunday night and I miss talking to him. Oh well, and guess what, Kim is whining again. Kim always whines. And guess what else? Kim is talking about herself in third person AGAIN. Doesn't that suck? Kim is such an idiot sometimes. LOL. Don't mind me, I know I'm weird.
Maybe someday I'll get that stupid little irritating habit out of my brain and stop it completely. Wouldn't that be nice? No, I don't think so. Talking about myself in third person is a little quirk I never want to get rid of, seriously. I like my quirks, even when they irritate people sometimes.
It was really funny in class today when Scott Francis said he thought it was funny that he was talking about himself as "Mr. Francis", in third person. And then I told him that I did that all the time and he laughed at me.
About the firedrill last night: It went off for forty-five minutes because Renee couldn't figure out how to shut it off.... that was completely exciting because they sent all of the dorm 5 residents into dorm 4 until they could get it shut off. That was totally exciting, we had tons of people in our dorm last night trying to get it shut off, it was highly amusing.
Also, yesterday I found out that there was no possible way that I was getting home this weekend for thanksgiving...
Oh well, I'm sure I'll live.
I don't think I really have anything else to say.
My brain is dead, and I don't know what else to say.
So I guess I'll say goodbye for now.
I'll talk to you all in blogland later

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Sometimes I wonder....

Sometimes I wonder about my own sanity. For serious. I must be out of my mind or something. Classes are great, and I have been paying attention in them and doing my homework. However, I still feel slightly like an idiot.
I'm sorry that I can't tell you why I feel like an idiot, because I feel I would feel more like an idiot if I did, and at the moment I don't want to share my reasoning. My life is just an endless confusing time of doom. If that makes any sense at all.
I'm really tired at the moment as I stayed up til 3:30 in the morning on Sunday night talking to Dave L. I talked to him for five hours that nighit, and to be completely honestly I throroughly enjoyed it. At any rate, I should probably go, I have been on here a while and others are wanting the internet. I'm going to go be an idiot again..... maybe.
I don't know what is wrong with me lately. Actually I do. But it's not a bad thing.
At any rate,
God bless
Have a good day.