Sunday, February 26, 2006

I haven't written in here for a long time.... I don't know why. I just haven't. Um... Senior High is coming up and I'm excited for it... sorta. I'm really not looking forward to the getting no sleep thing. That's the one thing I'm not looking forward to. I'm really excited for the Saturday though because Megan is going to be here for the afternoon because they are going to visit there sister who lives in K-town, and her parents said they would bring her here for the afternoon.... I'm also supposed to ask Justin if he will come.... but Justin won't come I'm almost guarenteed of. Not necessarily because he doesn't want to go but mostly because he won't have a way to go. I miss Megan and I miss Justin for that matter. Don't know why at some points because Justin can completely drive me crazy at points but he does drive me crazy. Anyway, I should probably go... I'll try to update more often but with homework and Senior High coming I don't know if I'll have the time in the next week.

Monday, February 06, 2006

"Go to the hospital" "No"

I learned some Japanese today. Yes me, I'm actually capable of learning Japanese. Aren't you proud of me. I learned how to say "Go to the Hosipital" and "No." How weird is that? It's really cool actually, I never knew how to say anything in Japanese before. Anyway. That's the only interesting thing that has happened lately, except I got an email from my sister who is currently in Thailand... and my other sister's kids are so cute... I just love my nephews to death. Anyway, I should probably go find Jenn and Alvin because I haven't seen her since I got back and then go and finish my ten page paper that is due on Friday. Bye bye.