New Semester...

Okay, so I only have two posts in here, I admit how terrible and pathetic that is... and I'm apologizing for it now. I'm going to try to be more regular in writing in here. I got an mp3 player for Christmas. My sister had her baby on Monday! Another baby boy. So now have two little nephews. AJ and little Noah. I was supposed to go to Calgary this next weekend to go and see them, but my dad is not sure if he wants to come two hours out of his way to come and get me. I'm thinking of getting someone to take me to Swift Current next Friday, because he goes right through there to go to Calgary... so I'm going to see what he thinks of that idea. I think I'm going to put it on announcements so if anyone is going there.... I can possibly get a ride. I'm going to have to find a gratis sub too... because I'll be away for two days. I finished my worldview paper though. The only thing I have to do is a outline. That's it. And it's not due til Thursday. I think either Estelle or Dave are going to help me with my word study for bf2 either tomorrow or Monday. I need to do that map for my NTS class for the 30th but that is still a while away and really shouldn't take me that long. I"m blabbing about homework... sorry. Justin is being a pain right now. I can't believe he still likes me. After beng a complete jerk to me he still likes me. Do you have any idea how infuriating something like that is? Really infuriating. Do you want to know what else is infuriating? My best friend decides to see the movie without me... the movie I have been wanting to see for like a month. Grrr. She frustrates me so much. Oh well. I miss her so much now that I'm here. I don't get to see her at all anymore. She moved two years ago almost now. And I haven't got to see her much since then, but now I get to see her even less... it sucks. It really does. I also miss home. I miss my mom and my dad and my little sister and all of my friends and my church. That's why I'm going home for a day on the 15th and 16th. Renee is going those couple of days for her braces and she wants me to come home with her. I would love that. I can't wait to be home... I'm so excited. Anyway, I should probably go do homework... and I need to track down Jenn and Alvin so... yeah. Bye bye.